By DCA Health Committee
The DCA Health Committee just received the letter (shown below in quotes) from Dr. George Moore at Purdue University. We strongly encourage you to participate in this study, since Dachshunds tend to be more prone to allergic reactions to vaccinations than other breeds.
** IMPORTANT NOTE ON DCA HWTF SUBSIDY: With advance approval, The DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund will reimburse up to $25.00 per shipment of samples for this study. (The pre-approval is required because we expect that the study's required number of samples will be met early.) For approval, please contact Lisa Warren at, or 610-285-6425. Please put "Dachshund Allergy Study" in the subject line of e-mails. Once approved, submit proof of costs (copies acceptable) to: Ruth Robins, Financial Administrator, DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund, 4314 Westport Terrace, Louisville, KY 40207-0714.
“I am very pleased to announce that AKC Canine Health Foundation, with your club’s support, has funded a 2-year study to investigate the causes for vaccination-induced allergic reactions in dogs.
Allergic reactions are the most common adverse event associated with vaccination in dogs. Recent research has demonstrated that small dogs in general, and Dachshunds in particular, are at higher risk for these reactions. Although the specific cause of allergic reactions in dogs remains unknown, vaccine components residual from the manufacturing process have been incriminated. Our study will compare the serum antibody concentrations in Dachshunds demonstrating allergic reactions versus antibody concentrations in other Dachshunds that don’t have reactions, seeking to identify the vaccine components that stimulate allergic reactions.
Our desire is to receive serum samples from at least 25 Dachshunds with allergic reactions after vaccination and 25 Dachshunds (their littermates, if possible) that did not experience reactions after vaccination. We are asking owners to have their veterinarian draw blood (3-5 ml) from each dog within 1 month of vaccination/reaction, and we will coordinate with the veterinarian to mail us the serum from the blood. We will analyze the samples for increases in antibodies against vaccine components that might have caused the allergic reaction. Owners may choose to receive the results of the tests for their dog(s) or may remain anonymous.
I would greatly appreciate your widest dissemination of this study to your club members. Information regarding the study and client consent forms is posted on our website at (, and this information is also attached. If you or your club members should have any questions, please contact me at 765-496-3393 or Thanks for your support!”
Sincerely, George E. Moore, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl ACVIM (SA Int Med), ACVPM (Epi)
Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Purdue University, School of Veterinary Medicine
Dept. of Comparative Pathobiology
725 Harrison Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2027
Phone: 765-496-3393 (Fax: 765-494-9830)
Dog saved by mouth-to-nose breathing
ZEVENAAR, Netherlands, Sept. 6 (UPI) -- A dog in the Netherlands that accidentally hanged itself by its leash was saved by a passer-by who performed mouth-to-snout resuscitation.
The dog, an 18-month-old French Mastiff, jumped or fell from a balcony and dangled from its leash, Sky News reported. Neighbors in Zevenaar cut the dog down and found it had stopped breathing.
"First they tried heart massage, but that didn't work," said a police spokesman. "As I understand it, they then closed its mouth and breathed through its nose."
Some emergency medical technicians administered more first aid, Sky News said. After a visit to the vet, the animal was reportedly in good condition.
Beijing considers pet laws
BEIJING, Sept. 6 (UPI) -- China, concerned about rising cases of pet abuse and abandonment in its cities, plans to pass laws on keeping pets in its capital.
The Beijing Applied Law Research Institute will soon publish a study to help to draft the laws for the city, the Xinhua news agency reports.
The ways to ensure pets and people live in harmony deserve careful research, Wang Sen with the research institute told Xinhua. He said the growing problem involves issues relating to security, pet trade management, pet epidemic prevention and pet-related goods management.
The report says Chinese cities are experiencing a "pet craze." Beijing alone is home to more than 1 million dogs.
A study by the National Cancer Institute found that dogs in homes where lawns
were treated four or more times a year with 2,4,-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid
(2,4-D), a commonly used weed killer, were twice as likely to develop malignant
lymphoma (a form of cancer that attacks the immune system) as dogs in homes
where herbicides were not used. (The risk to humans is being studied.) To reduce
the risk to your dog, use lawn pesticides only when absolutely necessary --
never as a preventive measure. Follow product label directions to the letter.
Keep pets (and people) off the grass until it’s dry or for the period specified
by the manufacturer. After a few days the herbicide is absorbed by plants and
broken down by sunlight. Until then, limit access to the treated area.
Consumer Reports has stated that Ibuprofen can kill dogs. They did not specify dosage. Suggest you check with your Vet before using this popular pain killer.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A study that links lawn chemicals to bladder cancer in Scottish terriers could help shed light on whether they cause cancer in some people, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.
Purdue University researchers surveyed 83 owners of Scottish terriers whose pets had recently been diagnosed with bladder cancer for their report, published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association.
"The risk ... was found to be between four and seven times more likely in exposed animals," said Larry Glickman, professor of epidemiology and environmental medicine in Purdue's School of Veterinary Medicine.
"While we hope to determine which of the many chemicals in lawn treatments are responsible, we also hope the similarity between human and dog genomes will allow us to find the genetic predisposition toward this form of cancer found in both Scotties and certain people."
Glickman and his colleagues earlier found that Scotties are about 20 times more likely to develop bladder cancer than other breeds.
"These dogs are more sensitive to some factors in their environment," Glickman said in a statement. "As pets tend to spend a fair amount of time in contact with plants treated with herbicides and insecticides, we decided to find out whether lawn chemicals were having any effect on cancer frequency."
The National Cancer Institute (news - web sites) says about 38,000 men and 15,000 women are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year. Humans and animals often share genes that can predispose them to cancer.
"If such a gene exists in dogs, it's likely that it exists in a similar location in the human genome," Glickman said. "Finding the dog gene could save years in the search for it in humans and could also help us determine which kids need to stay away from lawn chemicals."
Glickman's team plans to survey children, as well as dogs, in households that have treated lawns and compare the chemicals in their urine samples with those from households with untreated lawns.
"It's important to find out which lawn chemicals are being taken up by both children and animals," he said.
Vaccinations and auto immune responses:
Tom R. Phillips, Jean L. Jensen, Michael J. Rubino, Wen C. Yang and Ronaid D. Schultz. Effects of Vaccines on the Canine Immune System Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 53, 154-60
The dog could be the next animal to have its genome deciphered.
With the genetic sequences of humans and mice almost complete, the Human Genome Project is looking for new contenders.
Officials in the United States have put dogs near the top of the list, after some vigorous debate among scientists.
Canines join chimps, chickens and bees, as high-priority organisms for genome sequencing.
Reading the full genetic code of our animal relatives should shed light on human health and behaviour.
But with so many comparative organisms to choose from, the US National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) called for submissions from scientists around the world.
Good pedigree
Matthew Binns of the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket in the south of England helped put together a white paper calling for the dog genome to be sequenced. He is excited at the prospect.
"Pedigree dog breeds are essentially like isolated human populations," he said. "They're a closed breeding pool.
"They have real advantages for studying some of the complex diseases that are hard to study in humans."
The dog sequencing lobby is led by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of California, Berkeley, US.
They say understanding the canine genome will allow for improved understanding of human health and behaviour.
Dogs suffer from about 400 inherited diseases, most of which have homologous conditions in humans.
"The dog can contribute to human health," Dr Binns told BBC News Online. "We think in the future it will increasingly do so."
There are also potential benefits for dogs themselves, says Dr Jeff Sampson, canine genetics coordinator of the Kennel Club in the UK. There is "huge potential" for wiping out diseases in pedigree dogs, he says.
"Within a matter of a few generations of rigorous DNA testing and selection of appropriate breeding mates you could very quickly remove the faulty gene from the breed's gene pool."
Better burgers
Being on the priority list doesn't guarantee a slot on the world's biggest genome sequencing machines.
But it means dogs should get a look in if lab time and funds become available.
The task then will be to choose the breed. Likely candidates include the beagle, the doberman and the poodle - which has already been sequenced in part.
If dogs don't make it off the drawing board, they may be usurped by another four-legged mammal.
Cows were added to the list by the NHGRI at the same time as dogs. Decoding the cow could lead to safer food and better steaks, say proponents.
Digging into Dog Domestication
The origins of how humans and dogs developed their association, and when and where this occurred, is the subject of three reports (see the news story by Pennisi). Dogs and wolves (and some primates) are social animals that must comprehend and respond to their own species. Hare et al. (p. 1634) compared the performance of wolves and dogs in interpreting human signals (such as looking, pointing, and tapping) that relate to food location. Unlike wolves, dogs exhibit this skill that helped them interpret human communication. Some studies argue that the domestication of dogs from wolves occurred as a single event, and others favor multiple events and distinct Old and New World origins. The fossil record offers evidence that domestication occurred about 13,000 years ago in the Near East, whereas molecular clock data imply an earlier date. Leonard et al. (p. 1613) analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from ancient aboriginal North and South American dog remains and argue for an single Asian origin for dogs. Dogs migrated to the Americas with their human companions via the Bering Strait about 12,000 to 14,000 years ago, but these indigenous breeds appear to have been replaced by larger European breeds during the colonial period.
Savolainen et al. (p. 1610; see the cover) collected mtDNA sequences from 38 Eurasian wolves and 654 domestic dogs sampled across Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Arctic America to assess the number and location of dog domestications. The higher genetic diversity in dogs from East Asia compared to Southwest Asia and Europe suggests that dogs originated in East Asia. This phylogenetic analysis, when interpreted in light of archaeological data, suggests that domestic dogs originated around 15,000 years ago, with several origins from wolves.
Tim Friend USA TODAY
Veterinarians in Illinois have confirmed the first U.S. case of West Nile virus ( news - web sites) in a dog.
The infected dog, which has died, was an 8-year-old mix of Irish setter and golden retriever that may already have had a disease that weakened its immune system. Officials do not expect an epidemic of the virus in household pets, but they caution that older dogs, puppies and dogs that already have weak immune systems could be at risk.
''As far as we know, this is the first case nationally that has resulted in the death of a dog,'' says John Andrews, director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. ''There may be other dogs that have been exposed.''
The only other confirmed report of West Nile virus in a dog is from Botswana, Africa, in 1978.
Officials at the Illinois Department of Public Health ( news - web sites) laboratory in Chicago and the State Natural History Survey confirmed the diagnosis. The virus appears to have been transmitted by mosquitoes. They say it is unlikely the virus could be transmitted from other animals to dogs.
Andrews says he is less concerned about an epidemic in dogs than he is of one in squirrels. Illinois officials confirmed three cases in gray squirrels, which Andrews says ''are the tip of the iceberg.'' Squirrel populations nationwide could be affected, an indication of how widely the virus has spread.
Infected squirrels have been reported vocalizing with sounds that indicate they are in pain. Other symptoms include running in circles, biting their paws and falling off tree limbs. Squirrels infected with West Nile virus have been reported in New York, but officials say those cases are not well documented.
The infected dog showed neurological symptoms, including unusual head bobbing, lethargy and progressive weakening. Andrews recommends pet owners avoid walking at-risk dogs in areas with lots of mosquitoes and keep them indoors in the evening. He says to avoid putting insect repellent on dogs because they lick it off and ingest it. Researchers are developing vaccines for domestic animals.
We don't vaccinate humans every year, so why is it that we are advised to vaccinate our dogs and cats annually? It is well known that a certain number of humans will be damaged by vaccines, but vets claim that only a tiny minority of dogs and cats suffer adverse vaccine reactions. Is this true?
After the death of two young dogs, Catherine O'Driscoll discovered that the risks of vaccination are much higher than anyone cares to admit - the 'tiny minority' is a significant significant number! Today, many vets around the world are questioning the vaccine regime. Some assert that vaccines do more harm than good, and the risks far outweigh the benefits.
Turning the world on its head, Catherine O'Driscoll gives you - ordinary dog owners and lovers - the information that vets won't or can't tell you. Her aim is to share the truth so that dog lovers everywhere can make informed choices about the well-being of the pets they treasure. In fact the risks are much higher than are admitted. When is it right to vaccinate, when not to vaccinate? This book reveals the answers. There is solid scientific research to demonstrate that vaccines can be harmful. This book gives the researched facts about:
![]() | vaccines that can cause encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain - encephalitis has many diverse symptoms, usually involving a highly sensitised state such as allergies, skin problems, behavioural problems, convulsions, eating disorders, and more. |
![]() | vaccines that are mixed with deadly poisons. |
![]() | vaccines that can cause the diseases they are designed to prevent. |
![]() | vaccines that shed into the environment, spreading disease. |
![]() | vaccines that disarm and unbalance the immune system. |
![]() | vaccines which need and do not need annual usage . |
The chemicals used in most of these heartworm preventatives can cause serious side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and convulsions even in the healthiest animals. It is not uncommon for pet owners to rush into vet offices confused about what is wrong with their pet. Here is the irony, when the vets see these symptoms, they usually want to start your pet on a heartworm "preventative" medication thinking the symptoms may be heartworm, and they want to take precautions.
Thankfully, a portion of the veterinary industry has acknowledged these dangers. Known as "alternative vets" they are open to re-examining treatments for the safest and most effective "alternative." Some actually recommend not giving your pet the chemical heartworm preventatives. And many of those alternative veterinarians believe that long term use of heartworm prevention is a link in the chain of diseases such as skin allergies, arthritis, liver and kidney diseases and many types of cancers. For the complete consumer review of heartworm medicine..
Subj: Canine Health - Date Unknown
From: (Van Buskirk)
Some of you may have experience or are just experiencing a flu like bug that is rapidly moving across the Pacific northwest area. The symptoms are vomiting, slightly elevated fever for 48-72 hours and a lack of appetite for about a week. This virus is highly contagious and spreads through kennels like wildfire. While seemingly innocuous to young adults and older - this virus is now killing young baby puppies. While I do not wish to mention the kennel almost half of a litter was lost yesterday. One of the kennels dogs came up California with the flu - gave it to the other kennel dogs - they had absolutely no contact with mom and the puppies - the virus was transmitted on the bottoms of shoes, momma dog got it and 3 out of 8 puppies were lost this week.
Autopsy said that the virus caused massive e coli infection in the puppy body cavities. Our vet recommends that absolutely no contact be made to new puppies at this time, use bleach or parvisol on shoes and anything that will cause an outside contact to the puppies. We are attempting to obtain stool samples to isolate this virus so that some defense can be mounted to it. Please be very very very careful for your puppies - this one is a very bad one and again - spreads like the flu.
I've heard about this canine illness before. Also heard about it last week--it supposedly has been spreading all over West Coast in particular. I didn't know that people could get it, too.
We should all be very careful coming back into our homes from dog shows.
Disenfect shoes, etc. Wash dogs paws and don't bring show equip into house (including crates--until they are disenfected). Maybe even isolate show dogs for l-2 days till incubation period over. I know this sounds like a lot to do--I do this most of the time anyway and it's a bitch. But this illness is a real bummer and it's probably better to be safe rather than sorry with this one.
Print this Out and keep this is important..and also go to links..Ok
I got this one yesterday and though that it was IMPORTANT to get this out to as many of you as posable. Early detection is a good thing.
Here are some answers to the latest outbreak of what's being called a flu like illness in Dogs. ANYONE who owns a dog or does rescue, I urge you to PLEASE read the following.
I found more info about the doggy 'flu' on my corgi list. I pray that no one on this list has had to deal with this on a first hand
This "flu" was rampant last April after the Bernese National & hit entire kennels from the East to the West coast.
The name of this infection is "Campylobacteriosis."
Definition: Campylobacteriosis: acute diarrhea in puppies runs course in seven to ten days ***can cause a severe enteritis in humans.
There is a webpage with information SHOW CRUD
For more on this disease pylobacteriosis.htm
It's a bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract. Will sometimes test low positive for Parvovirus. It is BACTERIAL. It is NOT a new form of Parvo.
Mode of infection: widely varied, but mostly from contact with urine, feces, something brought in on shoes, etc. Symptoms start 12-48hrs after initial contact (usually) & spread to other dogs rapidly .
Dogs are alert, hungry, energetic. Normal feces starts with mucus sheath & continues to get progressively softer until it is watery & contains blood. It then becomes explosive. Vomiting may accompany & may or may not also contain blood. Feces have a sweet/flowery aroma along with a "slaughterhouse on a summer day" smell (similar to Parvo diarrhea but with a floral hint). Feces are *usually* mustard colored. Dogs dehydrate at an astounding rate. Dogs are also at risk of intesusseption.
What is happening is that there is a bacterial growth in the digestive tract which throws it off balance. The body is trying to counteract this by removing the extra (or offending) bacteria. It seems to do this by trying to remove ALL body fluids as quickly as possible. Death is caused by massive dehydration. This can occur as quickly as 12hrs or continue for a few days.
The younger the dog, the worse it is. Some dogs may never get it, even though they may be kenneled with an afflicted dog. Some dogs also get over this without treatment.
The key is to treat this as fast as possible before the dogs go anorexic AND to treat ALL dogs on the premises (non-afflicted dogs should get ONE capsule). Treatment is 250 mg Cephalexin per 25lbs of body weight. Pups may get Ceph-drops. This MUST be given orally NOT I/V - it MUST go thru the digestive tract (I don't know WHY it works this way, but it does). If the dog vomits the pill up, just give it again until it stays down. Give another dose approx. 12hrs later. If the dog returns to normal DO NOT medicate again. It's important NOT to run a full 10 day course of this drug as it has (in the past) caused the bacterial balance to go the other way. If needed, give medication for 2 more days, or whenever symptoms reoccur.
If the dogs are massively dehydrated, DO NOT use an IV drip. Their circulatory system will be very depressed & *if* a vein can be found, it may not be able to support an IV. Lactated Ringers Solution SUB-Q is suggested & forcing electrolytes orally. IV rehydration HAS thrown animals into deep shock (see above). Slow rehydration. Slow slow slow. Just enough to keep them alive until the *bug* is nipped in the bud.
After the diarrhea has stopped, you can cram the dog as full of fluids as you want, just not when it is at its most fragile point.
Anorexic dogs have to be tempted to eat again. Rare, bloody, slightly garlicky & slightly salty beef has worked the best in the past forgetting the appetites working. Start small. You may have to give anorexic dogs Nutri-Cal to get them going again. But after they are cured they *will* begin to eat again.
Do NOT automatically assume Parvo when you see this. Parvo treatments have killed the majority of Crud dogs. If you suspect Parvo, try the Cephalexin 1st, if it doesn't work, THEN assume Parvo. Do NOT use Amoxy-cillin.
Keflex has worked in the past. Dogs should show improvement within hours of treatment.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Bonnie privately at <"">
with the subject CRUD.
You may reprint this.
MANHATTAN -- While many people are heeding the advice of experts and using preventive measures to guard against overexposure to the sun, it is important to remember that pet owners also need to protect the family cat and dog from the sun's intense rays.
According to Dr. Ruthanne Chun, assistant professor and oncology researcher at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, cats and dogs can develop skin cancer lesions just like humans.
Estimates show that for every 100,000 dogs, 450 are diagnosed with some form of skin or subcutaneous-tissue (structures just below the skin) cancer, and 120 cats are diagnosed for every 100,000. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer among dogs and is the second most common cancer in cats, Chun said.
Chun added that the sun plays a big role in the development of skin cancer among cats and dogs.
"Just like fair-skinned people are more likely to have problems with skin cancer, white dogs and cats are more prone to skin cancers, especially on the areas of their body that are thinly haired, such as the belly on dogs, and the ear tips and around the eyes on cats," Chun said.
Not all tumors are caused by exposure to the sun. Chun said that viruses, hormones, genetics, vaccines and burns are also associated with skin cancer.
"In cats, fibrosarcoma can be caused by vaccination against rabies or the feline leukemia virus," Chun said.
So, how do cat or dog owners know if their pet has skin cancer?
"Skin cancer may be a concern with any lump that persists or grows, is red or irritated looking, bleeds, or if the animal licks or scratches continuously at the site," Chun said. "Even though there may be a lump that is red or bleeding, that does not mean that it is malignant. However, it is always best to have any lump evaluated by a veterinarian."
She added that there are several steps a pet owner can take to prevent skin cancer.
"White cats and cats with white on their face should not be allowed outdoors during sunny days. Likewise, dogs should not be allowed to 'sunbathe,' especially if they have thin-hair coats," Chun said.
Preventing skin cancers associated with vaccination in cats is approached a bit differently because vaccination against rabies is unavoidable, Chun said.
"The vaccine should be given in the right rear leg to ensure that if a tumor does arise it can be easily removed surgically," Chun said. "Studies have clearly shown that if all the vaccines are given over the neck or back or between the shoulder blades, a tumor is more likely to develop and it is more likely to be fatal to the animal because it is harder to remove."
Dogs are not susceptible to skin cancers from vaccinations, Chun added.
Treatment for skin cancer is dictated based on the type of tumor, but surgery is the most common treatment. Radiation therapy, cryotherapy (freezing the tumor), and chemotherapy are all used in the treatment process, Chun said.
She also said that the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at K-State is using new technology in the fight against cancer.
"As far as new equipment, we have a linear accelerator for radiation therapy for dogs and cats. We got it about a year ago," Chun said. "We are also very excited because we are getting a CT scan and an MRI unit for diagnosing problems more accurately. We hope these will be in place this fall."
Chun also underlined the fact that no matter what causes the skin cancer, the well-being of the animal always comes first.
"It is very important for owners to know that anytime we treat an animal for cancer, quality of life is as important to us as curing the cancer," Chun said. "So, even though we may use radiation or chemotherapy, we design our treatments so our patients will have a normal, happy and comfortable quality of life while going through therapy."
Pet owners are directed to KSU-Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital's oncology department for more information.
Prepared by Jason Nicol. Reporters and editors who wish more information, contact Ruthanne Chun at 785-532-4243.
MANHATTAN -- Because of the way dogs cool themselves, they are more susceptible to heat exhaustion than humans. Below are some steps for the identification and treatment of heat exhaustion.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion:
* Heavy panting
* Dog begins huffing and puffing or gasping for air
* Dog begins to weave when it walks because of dizziness
* Dog lays down or collapses and can't get up
* Dog becomes unconscious
Depending on the seriousness of the situation, these are the steps an owner should take if your dog is suffering from heat exhaustion:
1. Move the dog out of the sun and into the shade or into an air-conditioned building.
2. Give the dog water to drink.
3. Rinse the dog off either in the bath tub or with a garden hose.
4. Place the dog in front of a fan while it is still damp.
5. Place ice bags around the dog's head and neck.
6. Take the dog to the veterinarian only after the dog has been cooled down.
Prepared by Jason Nicol. For more information contact Dr. William Fortney at 785-532-4135.
Kenneth Harkin, 785-532-4251, e-mail
News release prepared by: Jason Nicol, 785-532-6415
Note to editors: zoonoses is plural of zoonosis
Thursday, November 15, 2001
MANHATTAN -- Zoonosis is defined as any disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Rabies is a prime example of such a disease. However, there are a multitude of other ailments that owners can pick up from their pets.
Dr. Kenneth Harkin, assistant professor in the clinical sciences department in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, studies zoonoses and said both cats and dogs can harbor diseases that could infect pet owners.
"The animal does not necessarily have to be sick to transmit the disease," Harkin said. "Dogs may serve as vectors for tick-borne disease, while cats can serve as vectors for both flea and tick-borne diseases.
"It is also important to note that as populations expand and encroach on areas previously occupied by wild animals, we may be opening ourselves up to re-emerging or new zoonoses."
He said there are several ways for a pet to contract diseases associated with zoonoses.
"Some of them (diseases) are transmitted from the mother to the puppies or kittens either in utero or shortly after birth," Harkin said. "Others are obtained by hunting, such as eating rabbits, mice, rats, or other wildlife, and being exposed to ticks and fleas."
There are several ways an owner can become exposed to disease, Harkin said.
"Transmission can be in the form of bites and scratches from the animal. Aerosol, tick transmission, fecal to oral, and contact with infective exudates, like draining skin lesions, are all major examples," Harkin added. "It is especially important to teach children good hygiene."
He also said persons with damaged immune systems should be cautious with their pets.
"Patients with HIV or on chemotherapy or immunosuppressive drugs are at a high risk of pet-associated diseases. Toxoplasmosis, bartonellosis (cat scratch disease), campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis and dermatophytosis (ringworm) are probably the biggest worries," he said. "In humans, toxoplasmosis can present itself as a neurological disease, lung disease, malaise, lymphadenopathy, and chorioretinitis (inflammation of the eye). Cat scratch disease can be present as an inoculation papule that may spread and develop into a painful swollen regional lymph node.
Harkin said an individual with bartonellosis might show signs of a flu-like illness with fever, malaise and fatigue.
"They may develop generalized lymph node enlargement, which may be abscessed, seizures, inflammation of the eye, pneumonia, bacillary angiomatosis, and peliosis hepatica, which is more common in AIDS patients."
Because animals with zoonoses may show no signs of being sick, Harkin said it is difficult to identify specific symptoms in them. However, the first line of defense for pet owners is to ensure their animal is protected from disease.
"I like to think veterinary care has reduced the risk of many pet-associated diseases, but it is also likely a result of changing demographics of pet ownership," he said. "Good flea and tick control and making cats indoor only and preventing dogs from roaming will definitely help.
"Pet owners should be aware of the risks, versus being concerned. It's fairly uncommon for an owner to contract a disease from their pet. However, they should seek annual health care to make sure their pet is healthy and free of intestinal parasites."
Source: Thomas Schermerhorn, 785-532-5690, e-mail:
News release prepared by: Jessica Clark, 785-532-6415
Editor's Note: Schermerhorn is pronounced (sure-mur-horn) and norepinephrine is
pronounced (nor-epi-nef-ren)
Thursday, February 28, 2002
MANHATTAN -- When something is broken, you may first have to find out how it functions properly to fix it.
A Kansas State University researcher is using that idea to see what is wrong or different in animals with diabetes versus those that are normal.
Thomas Schermerhorn, assistant professor of clinical sciences, is involved in research that may be applied to diabetes in dogs and cats, as well as humans.
"We know what goes wrong in diabetes, but we don't know why it goes wrong. Our approach looks at what is normal and compares that to an abnormal cell to find out where the problem is," Schermerhorn said.
Schermerhorn's research focuses on the functions of the beta cell, the cell in the pancreas that secretes insulin. There are thousands of beta cells, each one with tiny granules containing small amounts of insulin. The granules go to the cell membrane and stay there until receiving the proper stimulus, Schermerhorn said.
"Each granule has a tiny amount of insulin, each one secreting insulin resulting in a normal response after eating a meal. This lowers blood sugar and keeps it under control," Schermerhorn said.
The beta cells Schermerhorn studies are altered so they are capable of reproducing outside the body yet can still secrete insulin. These cells act exactly like beta cells that live inside normal animals and humans, Schermerhorn said.
Schermerhorn began by looking at inhibitors of insulin and found that once the beta cell was stimulated to secrete insulin, it could then be modified by inhibitors. The inhibitors tend to decrease cell response to glucose, the principal nutrient in a diet that stimulates secretion.
Norepinephrine, an inhibitor sometimes called noradrenaline, can inhibit secretion profoundly and has direct effects on the proteins in the final stage of granule release, Schermerhorn said.
"Norepinephrine somehow alters or impairs three crucial proteins from coming together. This either disables the granule from being secreted, or prevents the granule from coming to the membrane and forming a protein complex," Schermerhorn said.
Diabetes is the second most common endocrine problem of older cats and one of the top three endocrine problems of older dogs.
Weight loss, excessive water consumption and excessive urination are common symptoms in dogs or cats indicating they may need to be tested for diabetes, Schermerhorn said.
"Usually, the dog or cat maintains an excellent appetite although they do not gain weight, but instead they may lose weight," Schermerhorn said.
"We're hoping to use a physiological approach to learn about beta cell function and provide a basis for the study of abnormal beta cell function that might contribute to the development of diabetes," Schermerhorn said.
Schermerhorn's research is in collaboration with Geoffrey Sharp, department of molecular medicine in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, and Philine Wangemann, department of anatomy and physiology at K-State's College of Veterinary Medicine.
The research project is funded by a grant from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.
Search speeds up for diseased canine genes
Scientific, technological advances aid MSU professor in quest to find faulty canine genes
EAST LANSING, MICH. - The canine genome is comprised of tens of thousands of genes, and a Michigan State University associate professor is using a new, rapid technique to find the "bad" ones.
Patrick J. Venta, Ph.D., is using a genetic marker called the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) to speed the search process, and he has disovered a method to identify them
Like other genetic markers, SNPs are tested for co-inheritance with disease genes on individual dog chromosomes. The difference is SNPs can be examined relatively easily without costly scientific equipment Due to the work in human genetics, its also possible to automate that process.
But few SNPs are known in the canine genome, and an inexpensive way to find these markers previously was lacking.
Now, a simple method of SNP identification has been developed. Ifs called pool-and-sequence (PAS) and allows researchers to find SNPs in nearly every canine gene. The structure of the canine gene is needed to do this, but if unknown, it can be inferred from the structure of the same gene found in the Human Genome Project (HGP). Using the PAS method and gene structures gleaned from the HGP, it will be possible to produce a sufficient number of SNPs to cover all canine chromosomes and help searches for canine disease genes, reports the American Kennel Club's (AKC) Canine Health Foundation, the group responsible for funding the research.
Also, by comparing dog and human genomes, it will be possible to find markers that are closer to canine disease genes. This will result in more accurate DNAbased carrier tests for eliminating undesirable genes, thus providing breeders with more information about the genetic makeup of their dogs, the AKC says.
NEW YORK, Jan 30, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Concerned that the highly-trained dogs involved in the World Trade Center and Pentagon search and recovery efforts may have sustained long term damage to their health, the AKC Canine Health Foundation has awarded two grants totaling $400,000 to study the medical consequences of exposure to the environmental toxins unleashed by the September 11 disaster. The seven year old Foundation is an affiliate of the American Kennel Club (AKC).
These studies will be the first comprehensive and follow-up studies conducted on search and rescue dogs.
The grants have been awarded to New York City's Animal Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania for two and three-year studies of approximately 300 search and rescue dogs deployed by the New York Police Department (NYPD), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and private owners at Ground Zero and the Pentagon.
A team of 15 veterinarians, scientists, toxicologists, behaviorists, radiologists and critical care veterinarians will participate in the two studies. Principal investigators are Philip Fox, DVM, MSc, Animal Medical Center and Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, respectively. Both worked with search and rescue dogs at Ground Zero.
AKC Canine Health Foundation President Howard Falberg said funds for the grants came from the AKC Canine Health Foundation Search and Rescue Dog Health Fund, launched in October.
To get the Fund started, The American Kennel Club made an initial contribution for the University of Pennsylvania study and Nestle Purina Pet Care (formerly Ralston Purina Company) contributed to both grants. Other organizations contributing included Veterinary Pet Insurance and the Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge Foundation.
"Immediately following the tragedy, we held discussions with veterinarians, search and rescue teams and other experts. The unanimous conclusion was that the health of these dogs was at risk. We were determined to do something to help," said Falberg.
"We commend the AKC and Nestle Purina who stepped up to the plate immediately when it became known that these dogs might be in danger. We are grateful to them and all the organizations and individuals who are contributing to the fund," Falberg noted.
Alfred Cheaure, The American Kennel Club President and CEO, said, "The heroic efforts of the search and rescue dogs during and after the events of September 11 demonstrate the true strength of the human-canine bond. The AKC is committed to supporting the work of these dedicated dogs and handlers, and as part of this commitment, the AKC Board has approved funds to support these long term AKC Canine Health Foundation grants."
The Animal Medical Center study will focus on the New York Police Department (NYPD) Canine and Bomb Detection unit dogs while The University of Pennsylvania study screens Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and privately-owned dogs deployed in search and rescue operations at both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Medical and behavioral information will be collected on all 300 search and rescue dogs, using a survey developed by the University of Pennsylvania team.
Animal Medical Center's Dr. Philip Fox, who provided emergency veterinary care for police dogs from the very beginning on September 11 at Ground Zero, said little data is currently available on health and medical implications of urban disasters, particularly those involving building collapse, incineration and bioterror agents.
"Because health implications resulting from these disasters are relatively unknown, we have no idea about the long term health risks these dogs may encounter. Most concerning is the potential for long term injury related to toxic fumes, air-filled soot and ground-littered debris encountered while working at the WTC site. Unlike their handlers, the dogs were unable to wear masks and worked close to the ground where the effects could be magnified."
According to Dr. Cynthia M. Otto, the dogs will be monitored for three years to detect evidence of infection, toxic injury, lung disease and cancer. Chest radiographs will be given; medical and behavioral information collected and compared to a control group. The psychological effects on the FEMA dog handlers will also be monitored.
Besides helping the dogs involved in the September 11 tragedies, Otto said this data ultimately should help improve safety, health, working conditions and monitoring of the search and rescue dogs and their human companions. Also, it is expected to prove useful to local, state and Federal agency emergency preparedness programs.
Contributions to the AKC Canine Health Foundation Search and Rescue Dog Health Fund can be made by contacting the Foundation at 1-888-682-9696, or mailing them to AKC/CHF, 251 W. Garfield Road, Suite 160, Aurora, OH 44202-8856.
The AKC Canine Health Foundation, founded in 1995, is the largest non- profit funder of exclusively canine health research in the world. Its mission is to develop significant resources for basic and applied canine health programs, with an emphasis on genetics.
The AKC, founded in 1884, is one of the oldest sports-governing organizations. It maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world, is responsible for overseeing the governance of the sport of purebred dogs, and keeps records of competitive results. For further information about AKC and the sport of purebred dogs, visit AKC Online at or contact the Communications Department at 212-696-8343.
MANHATTAN -- Glaucoma in animals, especially dogs, requires immediate emergency treatment to prevent blindness.
Kansas State University veterinarian Dr. Harriet Davidson, associate professor of clinical sciences, said glaucoma is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure in the eye that results from abnormal fluid not being removed. It can cause acute blindness in as little as 24 hours or may take weeks to months depending on the pressure sustained.
Primary glaucoma can be hereditary: it develops by itself and tends to affect both eyes. Secondary glaucoma is caused by an abnormality in the drainage of the fluid in the eye. Cocker spaniels and basset hounds are especially predisposed to glaucoma.
While glaucoma is not easily detected, pet owners should look for increased redness of the outer eye lining and be concerned if the cornea, usually clear in color, turns white or hazy. Although dogs seems to be extremely tolerant of glaucoma, they may tip their heads to help release pressure from the aggravated side, keep their eyelids closed or pull away when owners try to touch them. Davidson said pet owners should also look for lack of appetite and signs of depression.
If pet owners think they notice signs of glaucoma, Davidson urges them to take their animals to the veterinarian immediately.
"Ask the vet to measure the intraocular pressure," Davidson said. "They have to be very specific because without the test it can be easily misdiagnosed."
Costs to treat glaucoma vary from $300 to $1,000 depending on the type and severity of glaucoma and the size of the animal. Options for treating glaucoma include surgery, therapy, medications or a combination of the available treatments.
"If dogs develop glaucoma and owners don't detect it, dogs can lose vision right away," Davidson said. "It's better to err in thinking the animal might have glaucoma than not testing for it at all."
For more information contact Harriet Davidson at 785-532-5690 or by e-mail at
MANHATTAN -- Re-emerging or re-recognized? Only your veterinarian knows for sure.
While foot and mouth and mad cow diseases have dominated news headlines in recent months, another disease is raising health concern among owners of companion animals across the country, according to a Kansas State University veterinarian.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can infect almost any species of animal -- dogs, horses, cows, pigs, etc. According to Dr. Kenneth Harkin, an assistant professor of clinical sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine, the disease is rarely seen in cats. Leptospirosis can cause an array of clinical signs. The severity of the disease can vary widely; however, leptospirosis has the potential to be severe and even fatal.
The disease is caused by Leptospirosis spp., a spirochete bacteria related to the bacteria that causes Lyme disease and syphilis. There are more than 300 pathogenic varieties (serovars), worldwide. Historically, in the United States, two varieties -- canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae -- were primarily responsible for the disease in dogs. The incidence of infection from these two has declined over the past 30 years, most likely due in large measure to vaccination. The increase in cases most recently has been due primarily to the varieties pomona and grippotyphosa. Until recently no vaccine for these varieties was available.
Leptospira varieties have what are termed maintenance hosts and incidental hosts. Maintenance hosts are those animal species which serve as a reservoir for the Leptospira organism, and in which transmission is very efficient. Incidental hosts include those species of animals that do not act as reservoirs, but that can be infected by the organism. The organism replicates in the kidneys of maintenance hosts and is shed in the urine. In warm damp environments the organism can survive for months in water or soil. Transmission can occur to the new host, either maintenance or incidental, by coming in contact with contaminated water, soil or the carcass of an infected animal.
In dogs, Harkin said there are various symptoms; however, the vast majority of dogs have a sudden onset of vomiting, which may be proceeded by muscle or joint pain or stiffness. Pet owners may mistake this early stage as arthritis and treat the dog with aspirin or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
A less frequent symptom seen in dogs is excessive thirst and urination. Harkin said pet owners are at risk because the dog drinks and urinates so much that they may do so in the house, exposing the owner to the disease.
"There are a few other odd-ball things that can be seen with leptospirosis such as respiratory compromise and pancreaitis," Harkin said. "But the most common symptoms are vomiting and those associated with kidney failure."
If caught early, Harkin said treatment is usually effective and the survival rate is good. However, time is of the essence.
"If you let it go for three or five days, treat it with the wrong antibiotic or with inappropriate fluid therapy, it can create irreversible renal failure," Harkin said.
Humans are also at risk for contracting leptospirosis. Symptoms can be relatively mild and include flu-like symptoms, ocular pain, redness of the eyes, nasal discharge, fever, or muscle and joint pain; however, it can progress to more severe kidney and liver failure. Harkin likens contracting the disease to being "hit by a truck."
"I've actually talked to people who have said they can remember not just the day they got sick but probably the hour and the minute," Harkin said. "It hits you that hard and fast."
According to Harkin, there is a "bit of contention" as to whether the disease is re-emerging or that veterinarians are recognizing it more.
"I think it might be a combination of both," Harkin said. "Veterinarians are a little bit more educated about leptospirosis and making more of an effort to diagnose it."
Prepared by Keener A. Tippin II. For more information contact Harkin at 785-532-4251.
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (a form of canine streptococcus bacteria that causes the "flesh-eating" disease in humans) has struck! Kansas again. This same disease killed a number of racing greyhounds in Kansas in 1992. Veterinarians warn that the dogs need prompt medical attention -- their condition can deteriorate rapidly with death occurring in just eight hours.
Symptoms include high fever, rigidity and muscle spasms, weakness, coughing, diarrhea and bleeding. Antibiotics given early in the disease process presents the best chance for recovery. There is no preventive vaccine.
Story Filed: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:37 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- They usually deal with fleas and heart worm, but suddenly, veterinarians in the Washington area have found themselves on the front line in the battle against anthrax.
Under normal conditions, veterinarians conduct syndrome surveillance. Several of the diseases identified as potential bioterrorist weapons are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted to people from animals. In addition to anthrax, they include the plague, tularemia, hemorrhagic fevers, and brucellosis.
``If they start seeing a large number of animals coming in with some sort of symptom, you're going to wonder,'' said Lynn L. Frank, chief of Public Health and Human Services for suburban Montgomery County, Md.
Officials say vets normally see a certain number of dogs and cats each day with little fluctuation, and any significant spike could warrant further investigation.
Syndrome surveillance reported daily by hospitals has now been expanded to include veterinary clinics and urgent care centers, said Frank.
``If there were a mass exposure you would get animals affected at the same frequency as humans,'' said Dr. Michael B. Auslander, Kentucky Public Health Veterinarian who also serves as the bioterrorism expert for the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.
Emergency response agencies are being encouraged to identify veterinarians in their communities who could use their expertise to help assess patients exhibiting symptoms of such diseases. Most veterinarians stock the antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and basic medical supplies in their clinics and offices.
``They could be called into action should we need more trained personnel,'' said Auslander. There are 66,000 licensed veterinarians in the United States.
In Prince George's County, Md., animal control officers were instructed three weeks ago to report ``unexplained increases in animal deaths.''
So far, Fairfax County, Va., has not issued any directives to veterinarians.
In the District of Columbia, enhanced reporting put in place to deal with the threat of West Nile Virus earlier this year is being expanded to include other diseases.
``We've got information and booklets prepared to go to the vets on the actual bioterrorism agents,'' said Peggy Keller, chief of animal disease control for the D.C. Department of Health. Final arrangements establishing regional bioterrorism surveillance rules will be developed sometime next week, said Keller.
``Animals might be seen at the same time that humans are being seen at hospitals,'' said Dr. Cindy S. Lovern, an assistant director for the American Veterinary Medical Association in Schaumburg, Ill. An analysis of the data, including the locations where the remains of stray dogs and cats are found, could help pinpoint the site of exposure.
On the Net:
American Veterinary Medical Assn.:
Montgomery Co. Dept. of Health and Human Services:
District of Columbia Dept. of Health:
Copyright © 2001 Associated Press Information Services, all rights reserved.
Genetic Engineering for PRA A good thing? The blind sure are thrilled but some breeders feel that this impinges on purebreds.
Science has invented a new breed
of guide dog with better resistance to certain debilitating diseases that
prevent the dog from serving its human partner, and in some cases, prevent the
blind person from being able to use a guide dog.
Quoting from an article in Popular Mechanics 4/2000; "Selective breeding of
Labrador and Golden retrievers has produced an improved strain of dog guides for
the blind.
"Called the Lab-golden, the new breed is more patient with their masters than
the traditionally used animals, which include Labs, Goldens, German shepherds
and, for those allergic to fur, Boxers.
"More important, the lab-golden is immune to progressive retinal atrophy.
This genetic eye disease has the ironic effect of slowly blinding guide dogs,
which is both costly and emotionally devastating for their masters, who come to
know their animals as more than just pets. The Lab-golden is the result of
research by Eldin Leighton, Director of Canine Genetics for Seeing Eye Inc.
This Morristown, N.J., organization that trains guide dogs has been working for
more than 20 years to improve companions for the blind.
Update On Class Action Suit Against Rimadyl
Forwarded, courtesy of Jean Townsend (Always for George - Always for the Rimadyl Dogs) B. A. R. K. S. Be Aware of Rimadyl's Known Side-effects
Pfizer's Annual Report consists of 66 pages. The
following excerpt is from page number 60.
Quote: “In October 1999 the company was sued in an action seeking unspecified
damages, costs and attorney's fees on behalf of a purported class of people
whose dogs had suffered injury or death after ingesting Rimadyl, an
antiarthritic medication for older dogs. The suit, which was filed in state
court in South Carolina, is in the early pre-trial stages. The company believes
it is without merit.”
Case No. 99-CP-25-353
The following is for your information:
With regards to Pfizer's Motion for a Change of Venue from Hampton County, S.C.
to Richland County, S.C. this is to advise that Plaintiffs won the venue
motion! The Judge ruled that the case will proceed in Hampton County.
However, Pfizer may still file an appeal.
Go here for a copy of action. (will open in a new window)
Story Filed: Thursday, September 13, 2001 6:06 PM EST
CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., Sep 13, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Procter & Gamble Corp., accused in three separate lawsuits of promoting a diet harmful to the health of dogs, is now trying to fog the issue by jumping on the anti-obesity bandwagon, an official of Nutro Products, one of the companies that has sued P&G, charged today (Sept. 13).
The Iams Company, a subsidiary of P&G, "would like us to believe that the feeding instructions on their bags were reduced not so they could nationally advertise their misleading and inaccurate lower daily feeding costs but because of their overriding concern to prevent obesity in dogs," said Jerry Sicherman, president of Nutro Products, Inc., a maker of premium dog and cat foods that is based in City of Industry, Calif.
Asserting that this defense is patently ridiculous, Sicherman pointed out that Iams, like all major dog food manufacturers, has products specifically designed to deal with obese and inactive dogs. For Iams, Sicherman noted, that product is Iams Less Active.
"If they (Iams) are not attempting to deceive the consumer with these lower feeding instructions, how does Iams explain that the feeding instructions on Iams Chunks, their leading adult maintenance diet, delivers less energy than Iams Less Active?" Sicherman asked.
(Iams Less Active and Iams Chunks are registered trademarks of Iams.)
"If they are not attempting to deceive the consumer," Sicherman said, "how does Iams explain that Iams Chunks delivers 33 percent less energy than was recommended by their own vice president of research and development, Dr. Diane Hirakawa, in the book she co-authored, `Canine and Feline Nutrition,' second edition?"
Pointing out that "Iams Chunks was not designed for inactive dogs," Sicherman asked, "how can Iams justify instructing consumers to use lesser amounts of this adult maintenance food, when there is a body of research that suggests that this practice could lead to an impaired immune system?"
Sicherman also responded to criticisms from Iams that Nutro's dog food, in kennel tests conducted by Iams, showed that the test dogs failed to maintain their body weight.
"Not only is Nutro confident of the validity of its feeding instructions, but our experience is drastically different from the results of Iams' tests," Sicherman said. "We also know that Iams opened our bags and repackaged them before sending them to the test kennel, giving Iams the opportunity to tamper with the (Nutro) product."
Iams also questions the validity of kennel tests as a means for establishing the energy requirements of dogs. Sicherman noted that "kennel tests are the accepted industry standard supported by the academic community, and Iams has not produced any credible data to convince us otherwise."
"Iams," Sicherman said, "is attempting to complicate what is a straightforward issue. Iams would like us to believe that they are engaged in a collegial discussion about pet obesity and the propriety of using kennel dogs to determine energy requirements.
"The real issue," Sicherman said, "is about false and misleading advertising, and about the largest consumer products company in the world (P&G) creating a marketing strategy based on deceiving the public.
"No matter how you slice it, Iams' feeding instructions are false and misleading," Sicherman said, pointing out that "independent tests proved that dogs could not maintain their weight when following the feeding instructions on the Iams Chunks bags.
"And no wonder," Sicherman further noted, "Iams delivers less than 60 percent of the energy recommended by the National Research Council and less than 70 percent of the energy delivered by Nutro's products.
"Not only has Iams refused to admit the shortcomings of its product," Sicherman said, "they continue to deceive the public by using these nutritionally-deficient feeding instructions to calculate erroneously low feeding costs on the Iams web site."
"At the present time," Sicherman notes, "Iams is not only being sued by Nutro for false and misleading claims, but they are also being sued independently on the same charges by Kal Kan, and in a consumer class-action suit that has been brought against Iams in California."
A very good news site:
Everyone is concerned with vaccination protocols these days. For the latest please click here:
Dogs laugh when they play
Amid the dog days of summer, an animal researcher has revealed that dogs laugh, chuckle, guffaw, giggle and perhaps even titter upon engaging in those activities dear to the dog heart.
Dog owners won't hear a real ha-ha when their dogs
are, say, turning over the garbage can. It is the "laugh pant" that
matters a kind of breathy exhalation that may reek of kibbles but speaks volumes
"To the untrained human ear, it sounds like a
pant, a 'huh, huh,'" Patricia Simonet, a psychology professor at Sierra
Nevada College, told the Animal Behavior Society last week.
To offer proof of dog merriment, she was armed
with recordings of amused dogs. After analyzing the frequency of all this laugh
panting, Miss Simonet said, she found a huge range of nuance and coloration.
It was no mere slobbering-out-the-car-window kind
of thing.
Dog laughter apparently goes beyond the human
ear, like chimp chatter, dolphin chitter, bat squealing and rat chirping, which
have been studied by scientists bent on understanding the world's fauna.
The obliging rats, in fact, have been tickled by
researchers at Bowling Green University and recorded at the National Institutes
of Health, where they were found to "chirp" with delight in
anticipation of "receiving morphine or having sex," among other
But back to the dogs.
Miss Simonet also reported that 15 puppies had
tossed chew toys and romped for joy simply upon hearing the recorded canine
laugh. For good measure, the researcher even tried a few live laugh pants of her
own, to find that her subjects became amenable indeed, a fact that may
revolutionize dog obedience classes.
Dr. Michael Fox, a veterinarian and behavior
specialist, agrees.
Dogs have a "bright-eyed, open-mouthed play
face," he says, along with a play bark, a play curtsy and a play stare. And
yes, they do have a play pant.
"I advise adults and children to mimic this
signal when they want their dogs to play, and by so doing, learn how to use
their body language to communicate like a dog," he notes.
Of course, the dogs have a lot to be happy about.
A new poll released from Euro RSCG Worldwide, a
marketing company, found that dogs and cats alike have become "surrogate
children" among their human counterparts, who spend about $33 billion
feeding them each year.
Global sales of pet food, in fact, are growing at
twice the rate of "people food," the report stated.
The American Animal Hospital Association, in the
meantime, has found that 84 percent of all pet owners dogs, cats, et al.
consider their furry charges to be "their children." Seventy-five
percent feel guilty leaving their pets alone, and 74 percent said they would
"go into debt" to care for their pets.
More than three-quarters also said they wanted
luxury items for their pets, rather than plain old practical stuff, a fact
confirmed by Pet Supplies Plus, which found that half of all of pet owners spent
more on their animals than on their in-laws at Christmas time.
Needless to say, the $500 million American
"pet fashion industry" includes Burberry doggie rain coats and
cashmere sweaters, among other things, and there are at least 35 "pet
vacation resorts" across the country, according to the Animal Legal Defense
"As owners increasingly consider themselves
pet 'parents,' we've found that key purchasing drives are similar to those in
the children's market: love, guilt, pleasure and a sense of
responsibility," said Ann O'Reilly, who directed the Euro survey.
And more, perhaps. Last but certainly not least, a
survey released Friday by Beliefnet and ABC News found that a fair amount of
folks think pets "go to heaven."
Over 43 percent of more than 1,000 respondents
think their dog or cat will be welcomed into the hereafter; 40 percent felt it
was a people-only affair.
"The rest," the poll stated, "are
withholding judgment, possibly until Judgment Day."
Burns to Animals Can Be Life Threatening
Most dog burns occur in the summer - but cars, not the sun, are to blame, says veterinary dermatologist Dr. Robert Kennis. During hot days, dogs will often seek shade under a car. If the animal comes in contact with a hot muffler of catalytic converter even for a split second, a serious burn can occur. Other common causes of burns to pets include: - Hair dryers used to dry animals after bathing - Kitchen spills - Space heaters - Out-door grills - Chewed electrical cords The best advice, he adds, is for pet owners to leave the treatment to a trained veterinarian. In some cases home treatments can do more harm than good, and infected burns could become life threatening. Dr. Kennis can be reached at (979) 845-2351 or or through the Office of University Relations, (979) 845-4644.
Pets Face Aging Problems, Same as People
The conditions you see associated with older people are almost identical to those you see in pets, says Dr. Deb Zoran, a veterinarian in the Small Animal Clinic at Texas A&M. These problems include arthritis, cataracts, loss of hearing, diabetes, heart murmurs, kidney trouble, cancer and maybe even Alzheimer`s disease. For older pets (six or seven years in dogs and cats) she suggests talking to your veterinarian about blood work to screen potential problems, blood pressure, performing chest X-rays and possibly an EKG to check the heart. She also suggests exercise, good oral hygiene and in some cases, a special diet may be necessary. Dr. Zoran can be reached at (979) 845- 2351 or { HYPERLINK "" } or through the Office of University Relations, (979) 845-4644.
Diabetes, Dogs: A Treatable Disease
Diabetes - "the silent killer" - can often strike man`s best friend. But this disease doesn`t necessarily mean a death sentence, and dogs that do contract it can often live normal lives. Just like the human form of the disease, diabetes in animals is caused by the body`s inability to control blood sugar, and treatment is often identical as well. Insulin shots remain the quickest and safest treatment, says Dr. Alice Wolf, a small-animal specialist at Texas A&M, though there are some alternatives. In most cases, two injections given by the owner each day are required. Signs to look for include excessive thirst, frequent urination and weight loss even with normal appetite. She adds that certain small breeds like poodles, terriers and dachshunds are more likely to get the disease. Dr. Wolf can be reached at (979) 845-2351 or { HYPERLINK "" }a- or through the Office of University Relations, (979) 845-4644.
Polly May Really Want That Cracker, More
Proper nutrition for birds is often overlooked or misunderstood by many bird owners, who tend to believe that birds will only eat birdseed. Pet birds - especially parrots - often can eat the same food you might prepare for yourself, and in fact, prefer such food, and it can be healthy for them, says Dr. Alice Blue-McLendon, a veterinarian who specializes in birds at Texas A&M.
Feeding tips include: - Table food that is not too high in sugar or fat is usually okay - Birds like different kinds of fruits and vegetables, but also others - A few things to avoid feeding: avocados, chocolate and onions - Birds that are kept outdoors should be given a little more food and fed at least twice a day Dr. Blue-McLendon can be reached at (979) 845-6881 or { HYPERLINK "" } or through the Office of University Relations, (979) 845-4644.
Cancer Affects Not Only Human, But Man`s Best Friend
If a dog lives long enough, it may be at a significant risk for canine lymphoma - or cancer, says Robert Dunstan, a veterinarian at Texas A&M. Along with colleagues at the Animal Health Trust in Britain, he is analyzing tumor samples from dogs diagnosed with lymphoma to identify chromosome abnormalities that will help define the molecular basis of lymphoma in dogs. The researchers hope their results will help identify dogs at risk for lymphoma, predict its behavior if it develops and design treatments optimized for the type of lymphoma. "For years," he observed, "animals have played an important role in finding cures for human diseases. Now discoveries from human genome research may help us fight cancer in dogs."
Regular vaccination for pets may endanger their health, study claims
Pet owners who have their animals regularly vaccinated may be killing them
with kindness, according to a British survey.
Research by Canine Health Concern shows higher than normal levels of
distemper, allergic reactions, epilepsy and even brain damage in dogs which
have annual injections.
The survey involving 4,000 dog owners found that of those dogs which became
ill, two-thirds did so within three months of having a vaccination.
Ms Catherine O'Driscoll, the group's founding member, began her research
after losing her three healthy dogs after their regular booster injections.
These contain a number of vaccines to combat different diseases, some of
which are no longer a major threat to pets in the UK, she said. An earlier
survey by Ms O'Driscoll, involving more than 2,000 dogs, convinced her that
vaccines could cause long-term damage.
She tells tonight's World in Action on ITV: "We have phone calls every day
from people crying and sobbing or asking how they can get help for their dog
which has epilepsy or cancer. Sometimes it takes me an hour to open the post
from people concerned about their dogs, cats or horses who are ill and
suspect the vaccines."
However, Mr Ted Chandler, president of the British Veterinary Association,
tells the programme he believes the risk is minimal. "The level of reactions
we get to vaccines is incredibly small," he says. "We are talking about
something in the region of 00.01 per cent, one in many thousands."
People should not be scared or worried about side-effects of vaccines on the
pets, he adds.
On the same programme, a leading British veterinary scientist says that
feeding pets processed foods can also lead to health problems.
Many vets recommend a diet of tinned and dried processed foods, a business
worth (pounds) 1.5 billion sterling in the UK each year.
Ms Sue Penman, founding president of the British Veterinary Dental
Association, says it can cause huge problems.
She tells the programme: "What we're tending to find now in the developed
world where people and their pets are eating a processed food diet is that
there's a disgusting increase in cancer, heart disease, diabetes and
arthritis - all those things that we describe as degenerative diseases."
World in Action also reveals the ingredients which, it is claimed, have been
used in some pet foods made in Britain. Ground-up teeth, straw, feathers,
animal heads complete with ear tags, feet and bones have found their way
into British pet foods, according to their evidence.
CONTACT: Susan Edmonds
Hutchinson Center
(206) 667-2896
Jeri Wall
Cornell University
(607) 253-3746
Researchers Report Construction of Genetic Map for Dogs
SEATTLE, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine in Ithaca, New York, are reporting the development of a framework reference map of the canine genome. The article appears in today's issue of Genomics, published by the Academic Press. The ultimate goal of canine genome research is to find all the genes in the chromosomes of domestic dogs and make this information available to others to develop tools to better diagnose disease well before the appearance of symptoms. It is believed that dog genetics offers the hope of discovering the genetic basis of both mammalian development and disease in a variety of species including humans. "The notion of a canine genetic map had been proposed by the genetics community years ago; over the last three years we developed the markers to serve as the cornerstone of the map, and were able to develop efficient approaches for ordering the markers on the individual chromosomes," said Elaine Ostrander, Ph.D., lead investigator and molecular biologist, who is an associate member in the clinical division at the Hutchinson Center. "We were able to provide a number of highly informative pedigrees of dogs that, for several years, had been bred specifically for genetic studies such as these," said collaborator Gustavo D. Aguirre, VMD, Ph.D., director of the Center for Canine Genetics and Reproduction at the Baker Institute. The canine map generated by this collaboration covers most of the canine genome and represents a major step toward the completion of a more comprehensive canine genetic map. It was constructed from 150 highly informative markers, known as microsatellite markers, developed and typed by the Ostrander group and on informative pedigrees developed by the Cornell team. The Linkage panel used included information from 17 three-generation pedigrees with genetically distinct backgrounds, a total of 212 individuals. According to Ostrander, the development of a canine genetic map is of particular importance, not only in solving questions of inheritance in dogs, but in humans as well. Purebred dogs, though all of one species, in practice represent a multitude of closed breeding populations. Many of the genetic diseases that proliferate in inbred dogs also occur in the human population, but are difficult to trace genetically because the high degree of genetic diversity and low number of offspring in human families make informative pedigrees a rarity. These diseases include cancer, epilepsy, retinal degeneration, bleeding disorders, skeletal malformations, and a host of others. Dogs represent a unique genetic resource with each of several hundred breeds exhibiting distinct physical and behavioral traits, and with remarkable consistency among its members. Mapping disease genes in dogs lead to an increased recognition of the role inheritance plays in human disease. In a second paper published in the journal, the two groups describe the construction of a dog-rodent hybrid cell panel to aid in determining the order and spacing of genes and traits of interest on the chromosomes of the canine genome. Both papers, which are featured on the cover of the this month's journal, are the result of an unusual and highly productive collaboration between the two major canine genetics groups in Seattle and Ithaca, each of which brought a unique set of resources and talents to the venture. The Hutchinson Center is one of 28 comprehensive cancer research centers, as designated by the National Cancer Institute. Using basic and applied research, the Center's mission is to eliminate cancer, and other potentially fatal diseases, as a cause of human suffering and death. Advances at the Hutchinson Center in the areas of cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are coupled with the progress made toward understanding the mechanisms of neoplastic development as well as basic aspects of cellular and molecular biology common to all organisms. In 1951 the James A. Balker Institute for Animal Health established the first laboratory in the world dedicated solely to addressing the health needs of dogs through bask and applied research. The Institute is renowned for its contributions to the control of canine infectious diseases through the development of vaccines against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus, and other diseases. The Institute is part of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, established in 1894; the mission of the College is to advance animal and human health through education, research, and public service. The project was conducted by Ostrander and her associates at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, as a continuation of work that she had initiated at the University of California several years ago. Ostrander's team included Cathryn Mellersh, Ph.D. a postdoctoral fellow, Amelia Langston, M.D., a clinical associate, and research associate Neil Wiegand. Aguirre's team at Cornell included Gregory Acland, BVSc, a veterinary ophthalmologist and senior research associate in genetics; and Kunal Ray, MS, Ph.D., senior research associate in molecular genetics. This research was supported by The Canine Health Foundation of the American Kennel Club, the Wellcome Trust The Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Morris Animal Foundation, the American Cancer Society, and the National Institutes of Health. SOURCE Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterCONTACT: Susan Edmonds of the Hutchinson Center, 206-667-2896; or
Canine Brucellosis Remains Unchecked and Uncontrolled
At the recent Animal Care Facilities Act Advisory Committee meeting, both Dr. Chuck Massengill, Animal Health Epidemiologist with the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Dr. John Hunt, State Veterinarian with MDA, dodged the issue of eradicating canine brucellosis in Missouri's hundreds of commercial animal breeders. Although the advisory committee is supposed to provide guidance for MDA's Division of Animal Health, both representatives cited a lack of funds and authority to control this potentially egregious problem.
According to Dr. Massengill, of the hundreds of commercial breeders in the state that are eligible for the voluntary certification program, only thirteen are certified as brucellosis free kennels with two others currently in the certification process. Dr. Hunt claimed that the MDA did not have the regulatory authority to require commercial breeders to eradicate canine brucellosis or even any other disease, such as the parvo virus from its facilities.
"Here in the state that leads the nation in commercial pet production, facility operators are not required by the Missouri Department of Agriculture or the Department of Health to eliminate this highly contagious organism," said In Defense of Animals' Director of Investigations, Marshall Smith. "Not only are they turning their backs on a potential public health hazard, they are also allowing animals to become chronically infected. Virtually nothing is being done to protect the health and well being of dogs housed in these facilities. Meanwhile, thousands of puppies are being shipped to pet shops in the U.S. and abroad to ill-informed consumers."
Canine brucellosis is a chronic bacterial infection that is transmitted from dog to dog during breeding and whelping. Male dogs infected with canine brucellosis may become sterile, while female dogs may experience spontaneous abortions and diminished reproductive capability. The disease can also be transmitted to humans, usually through abrasions, causing flu-like symptoms.
According to information on the Center for Disease Control's web page "Brucella spp. have a high probability for use in biologic terrorism." The web site also indicated that the disease is highly infectious in the laboratory, and cultures warrant bio-safety level-3 precautions.
From the CDC
Q. Can
West Nile virus cause illness in dogs or cats?
A. There is a published report of West Nile virus isolated from
a dog in southern Africa (Botswana) in 1982. There are no published reports
regarding cats, but West Nile virus was isolated from a dead cat in the New York
area epidemic. A serosurvey of dogs and cats in the epidemic area showed a low
infection rate.
Q. Can infected dogs or cats be
carriers (i.e., reservoirs) for, and transmit West Nile virus to humans?
A. West Nile virus is transmitted by infectious mosquitoes.
There is no documented evidence of person-to-person, animal-to-animal, or
animal-to-person transmission of West Nile virus. Veterinarians should take
normal infection control precautions when caring for an animal suspected to have
this or any viral infection.
Q. How do dogs or cats become
infected with West Nile virus?
A. The same way humans become infected, by the bite of
infectious mosquitoes. The virus is located in the mosquito's salivary glands.
During blood feeding, the virus is injected into the animal. The virus then
multiplies and may cause illness. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on
infected birds, which may circulate the virus in their blood for a few days. It
is possible that dogs and cats could become infected by eating dead infected
animals such as birds, but this is unproven.
Q. Can a dog or cat infected with
West Nile virus infect other dogs or cats?
A. No. There is no documented evidence that West Nile virus is
transmitted from animal-to-animal.
Q. How long can a dog or cat be
infected with West Nile virus ?
A. The answer is not known at this time.
Q. Should a dog or cat infected
with West Nile virus be destroyed? What is the treatment for an animal infected
with West Nile virus?
A. No. There is no reason to destroy an animal just because it
has been infected with West Nile virus. Full recovery from the infection is
likely. Treatment would be supportive and consistent with standard veterinary
practices for animals infected with a viral agent.
Morning Call,
Aug. 26, 2000
Rare parasitic disease linked
to 21 dogs’ deaths
• A strain of Ieishmaniasis, not
indigenous to the U.S., has
baffled health officials.
MLLLBROOK, N.Y. tAP) — A parasitic disease rarely found in this country
has killed 21 foxhounds and has sickened at
least 20 others, prompting the
national fox-hunting organization to cancel
events. The disease can also
affect humans.
One after another, the hounds at Millbrook
Hunt in Dutchess County
became lethargic. Losing weight and patches
of hair, the dogs developed
enlarged joints, crusty skin lesions and rope-like
knots underneath their skin.
The culprit was identified this spring by
researchers at North Carolina State
University as a strain of leishmaniasis, typically
found in warm, coastal areas
like Brazil, the Mediterranean, India and
the Sudan.
Normally transmitted by sand flies, the
disease is considered curable in
humans, but it has killed people in other
countries, It has rarely been diag-
nosed in the United States.
Among foxhounds, the disease has been
found in kennels in 20 states and
Canada, but only the Millbrook hounds have
“This should not be in the U.S.,” Edward
B. Breitschwerdt, professor of
medicine and infectious diseases at North
Carolina State, told The New
York Times. “We’re truly dealing with a
foreign animal disease that remains
very unclear to all of us still.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
is testing people who have
come into contact with the foxhounds in
Millbrook and collecting samples
from 10,000 dogs around the country. The
Times said the disease probably
came to this country when an American
soldier returned from overseas with
an infected dog. The disease was diagnosed
in several soldiers during the
Persian Gulf War, the newspaper said.