What is a disk, and what is its purpose?
The spinal cord is one of the most important and most sensitive organs in
the body. If it is traumatized, its cells will not regenerate; injuries
usually result in permanent damage. Therefore, the spinal cord is
protected in a very special fashion. It goes through a bony canal within
the spine; it is surrounded by protective bone everywhere except over the disks.
This extreme protection reflects its importance and its fragility.
Disks are rubber-like cushions between the vertebrae. They allow the back
to move up and down and sideways without allowing contact between the bones of
the spinal column.
What does it mean for a disk to rupture, and how does it happen?
The disk is composed of two parts. The outer covering is much like a
thick shell. It is comprised of tough fibers that protect and contain the
central part. It is thinnest at the top; this thin area is located just
below the spinal cord. The central part of the disk has the consistency of
thick tooth paste; it is much softer than the outer part.
When the outer shell degenerates, it allows the central part of the disk to
escape. This is called a disk rupture or a ruptured disk. Since the
shell is thinnest near the spinal cord, disk material that escapes almost always
goes upward, putting pressure on the cord. Because the spinal cord is
encased within its bony canal, it cannot move away from the pressure and it
becomes pinched.
Degenerative disk disease causes spontaneous degeneration of the outer part of
the disk, resulting in escape of the central part. It is not related to
injury, although trauma can cause disks to rupture. It is also not related
to age. Most dogs with degenerative disk disease are 3-7 years old.
It is just a spontaneous event that is most likely controlled by genetic
factors. Certain breeds, notably the Dachshund, Poodle, Pekinese, Lhaso
Apso, and Cocker Spaniel have a high incidence of disk disease. Other
breeds, such as the German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher, also have disk
disease but with a lower incidence. Many breeds never have degenerative
disk disease.
Most owners report that a disk rupture occurred following some traumatic event,
such as a relatively small jump or fall. Although this act is frequently
blamed for the disk rupture, if the disk had not already been degenerating, the
rupture would not have occurred.
How does a ruptured disk affect the spinal cord?
The spinal cord is much like a telephone cable that is carrying thousands of
tiny wires. When it is crushed, transmission of information through the
wires is stopped. When the disk degenerates and ruptures, a similar event
occurs. The central part is forced upward, putting pressure on the spinal
cord and/or the nerves that leave the spinal cord over the disks (i.e., spinal
nerves). Pressure on the spinal nerves results in pain; pressure on the
spinal cord results in pain and/or loss of information transmission. This
results in paralysis or partial paralysis.
Most disk ruptures occur in the middle to lower part of the back. However,
they may also occur in the neck. The former often causes paralysis without
severe pain; the latter often causes severe pain without paralysis. If
paralysis affects all four legs, the disk rupture must be in the neck.
Because of the way the nerve tracts are arranged in the spinal cord, disk
ruptures in the neck may affect the rear legs first or even exclusively.
How fast do disks degenerate and rupture?
Disk degeneration usually occurs relatively slowly, i.e., over several days or
weeks. The dog usually experiences pain and becomes reluctant to move.
It may lie around for a few days allowing the body to resolve the problem, often
without the owner being aware that a problem existed. However, disks may
also rupture very acutely. Some dogs will go from normal walking to total
paralysis in less than one hour.
How is a disk rupture diagnosed?
A presumptive diagnosis of disk disease is made based on the dog's history
of neck or back pain, incoordination when walking, or paralysis when there is no
history of trauma. The physical examination will indicate that the problem
originates from the spinal cord, giving further evidence to disk disease.
Another important factor is the breed. If the dog is one of the high
incidence breeds, the diagnosis is even more likely.
In some cases, plain radiographs (x-rays) may assist the diagnosis, but they may
also be normal since neither the disk nor the spinal cord are visible. If
the diagnosis is in doubt or if surgery is to be performed, a myelogram may be
done. This procedures involves injecting a special dye around the spinal
cord while the dog is under anesthetic. When radiographs are taken, the
dye will be seen outlining the spinal cord. A break in the dye column
means that there is pressure on the spinal cord.
How do you know if the pressure on the spinal cord is due to a disk or
something else?
It is possible that the pressure is due to a blood clot or a tumor.
Both are possible but not very common, especially when compared to disk
ruptures. If the breed of dog is correct for disk disease, there has been
a sudden onset, and there has been no trauma, there is about a 95% chance that a
disk rupture is causing the pressure. However, the diagnosis is not
definite until the time of surgery.
Are all disk ruptures treated with surgery?
Not necessarily. Treatment is based on the stage of the disease.
Stage I disk disease produces mild pain and is usually self-correcting in a few
days. Stage II disk disease causes moderate to severe pain in the neck or
lumbar (lower back) area. Stage III disk disease causes partial paralysis
(paresis) and results in the dog walking in staggering or uncoordinated
movements. Stage IV disk disease causes paralysis but the ability to feel
is present. Stage V disk disease causes paralysis and loss of feeling.
These stages tend to overlap in some dogs, and dogs may move from one stage to
another over a period of hours to days.
Dogs with Stage II and III disease are usually treated with anti-inflammatory
drugs, pain relievers, and restriction from exercise. Surgery may be
considered if the pain or uncoordination persists after 4-7 days of treatment or
if the neurological status declines from one day to the next. It is
important that the dog not receive pain medication unless total confinement to a
crate or cage is enforced. If the pain sensation is taken away, the dog is
more likely to progress to total rupture of the disk. The sensation of
pain is important for limiting motion. The length of confinement will vary
among different dogs.
Dogs with Stage IV disease should have surgery, although a small percentage will
recover without it. Dogs with Stage V disease should have surgery, and the
sooner that surgery is done, the better the prognosis. If at all possible,
these dogs should be operated on within the first 24 hours of the onset of
What is the purpose of surgery?
The goal of surgery is to remove pressure from the spinal cord. If the
disk rupture occurs in the lower back, a window is made in the side of the
vertebral bone to expose the spinal cord. This window allows removal of
disk material and relieves pressure from the cord. If the disk rupture
occurs in the neck, a window is made in the bone exposing the spinal cord.
This may be done either from the top or the bottom, depending on the situation
and the training of the surgeon.
What is the success rate for treating disk disease with and without surgery?
StageRecovery without SurgeryRecovery with Surgery
II: up to 1 week80-90%90-95%
II: past 1 week60-70%90-95%
IV: up to 3 days< 25%85-95%
IV: past 3 days< 20%60-70%
V: up to 24 hours< 5%50%
V: past 24 hours< 5%<20%
When will we know if the surgery is successful?
When surgery is completed, we hope to achieve two things. First, the
dog should be recovering from the anesthetic. Secondly, the disk rupture
should be located and the pressure relieved from the spinal cord. However,
the return of walking ability and relief from pain may not occur for several
days, or even weeks, so success cannot be determined immediately.
When can my dog go home?
Following surgery, your dog will be hospitalized for 3-7 days. Bladder
and bowel control are often lost when the dog is paralyzed, so it is best for
control of these functions to return before going home. However, it is
generally best not to extend hospitalization beyond 7 days because regaining the
ability to walk partly depends on exercise and motivation. Since
motivation is such an important part of the recovery process, visitation is
encouraged beginning the day after surgery. Please ask about scheduling
your visits.
If paralysis was present before surgery, your dog may not be able to walk when
it is discharged from the hospital. You will be given detailed
instructions on the procedures that should be performed. Recovery is
dependent on four factors: whether or not permanent damage was done before
surgery, if the surgery was performed promptly, physical therapy performed at
home, and the motivation of your dog. You will be instructed on ways to
achieve the last two.
Is it likely that my dog will be worse after surgery than before?
Dogs that have surgery on the lower back are generally no worse after
surgery unless the spinal cord damage has progressed due to the disc rupture.
However, dogs that have surgery on the neck may actually have increased lameness
in one or both front legs. This is a setback due to the manipulation
around the spinal cord normally associated with surgery. The lameness may
persist for a few days, but it should be temporary. Improvement should
occur steadily until the legs return to normal.
What does it mean if surgery is not successful?
Most dogs are either greatly helped and return to normal or near normal or
they do not improve at all. If walking is not regained, most dogs will
also not regain control of the bladder and bowels. This means that urine
and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis.
Can my dog rupture a disk again?
The answer is "yes." However, more than 95% of degenerated
disks will heal without surgery. So the chance of your dog needing surgery
a second time is less than 5%.
What if the myelogram is normal?
The purpose of the myelogram is to identify pressure on the spinal cord.
If the myelogram is normal, there is no pressure on the spinal cord. This
has several important implications. First, it means that surgery will
generally not be appropriate because the purpose of surgery is to relieve the
pressure from the cord. Second, it means that one of the following
conditions is likely to exist.
1. Spinal Shock. This is a temporary loss of spinal function that is
generally associated with trauma. It occurs suddenly and is somewhat like
a concussion of the brain. It may leave permanent damage, or full recovery
may occur. Recovery from spinal shock generally occurs within a few hours
to a few days.
2. Fibrocartilaginous Infarct or Embolism. In this condition, a
small amount of disk material ruptures and gets into one of the blood vessels
leading to the spinal cord. As the vessel narrows, the disk material
obstructs it, depriving a certain segment of the spinal cord of its blood
supply. Without proper blood supply, that segment of the spinal cord quits
working, resulting in paralysis. Surgery will not help these dogs because
there is no pressure on the spinal cord. Often, paralysis involves only
one rear leg, or one rear leg is more severely affected than the other.
Complete recovery may occur in a few days to weeks, or there may be permanent
damage to a portion of the spinal cord.
Diagnosis of fibrocartilaginous infarct/embolism is based on the correct
clinical signs and a normal myelogram. Confirmation requires a biopsy of
the spinal cord so the diagnosis is confirmed only with an autopsy.
3. Degenerative Myelopathy. This condition means that the spinal
cord is slowly dying. It results in progressive paralysis that begins with
the dog dragging its rear feet as it walks. This is called "knuckling
over" and results in the toe nails of the rear feet being worn because they
drag the ground with each step. It progresses to weakness of the rear
legs, then paralysis. It generally takes several weeks before paralysis
occurs, and it generally occurs in large breeds of dogs, especially German
Shepherds. Because there is no successful treatment and paralysis includes
loss of urine and bowel control, euthanasia is generally recommended.
Diagnosis of degenerative myelopathy is based on the correct clinical signs,
especially in a large breed of dog, and a normal myelogram. Confirmation
requires a biopsy of the spinal cord so the diagnosis is confirmed only with an
A normal myelogram in a dog with slowly progressive paralysis is very
frustrating because the two most likely diseases (numbers 2 and 3) cannot be
confirmed without an autopsy.